1 | What quality about myself would I most like to work on in order to enhance our relationship? |
2 | What is special about us as a couple today and how does this make me feel? |
3 | Have I recently gone though a cycle (romance disillusionment joy) with my family? How does that make me feel? |
4 | What am I doing that is lifegiving to us? Life-stifling? |
5 | How do I feel when we pass up on an opportunity to use the mutual decision-making steps? |
6 | What do I like least and most about our sexual relationship; what needs of mine are met or unmet and what are my feelings about that? |
7 | How do I feel about your/our hopes, holiness, highs, lows, hobbies,temper, favorite recreation together, parents, sense of humor, laugh? |
8 | How does the image I project effect our dialog? How does that make me feel? |
9 | "You are the light of the world" Hoe do I feel hearing Jesus say this to us? |
10 | What weakness in me do I need to accept? |
11 | How do I feel when I think you are reaching out to others more than you do to me? |
12 | What are my feelings when I have made you happy? |
13 | What so threatens our relationship that I would rather suffer in silence than risk to be open with you? |
14 | How do I feel when you are open with me? |
15 | In what way recently have I been called to make the decision to love? |
16 | What does it mean to me, to belong to you? |
17 | Am I satisfied with my career at present? Do I need to make any decisions about it? |
18 | How do I feel about being married to you every day? |
19 | How have honesty, openness, intimacy, passion and unity been linked together in a recent incident in either our personal or public life? |
20 | How do I feel that god made me man (woman)? |
21 | Footsteps! When was the last time I carried you? How does my actions make me feel? |
22 | What masks do I want to stop using? |
23 | What areas do I need to reevaluate to make our marriage better? How do I feel about that? |
24 | How do I see our strength as a couple, and what are my feelings about that? |
25 | What are some of the traditions of our summertime that we still share today? |
26 | In going out two by two, we are a visible sign of God's love. What does this mean to me? How does this make me feel? |
27 | We have committed ourselves to loving each other for a lifetime? How does that make me feel? |
28 | How do I see myself as a member of your birth family? How does my actions make me feel? |
29 | In which steps of the decision making process are we strongest? Weakest? |
30 | What is one thing that I recently discovered about myself that made me glad to be me? |