
1What is my vision for our life together? What are my feelings answering this?
2What are my thaughts about us being unique as a couple? How do I feel about this?
3How do I feel when you want to understand me better?
4How do I feel when we show our love as a couple?
5Where am I now with our relationship? Romanced? Dissillusioned? Joy?
6In what areas do I feel challenged to be more open with you? How do my actions make me feel?
7What are some of those "little things" good and bad?
8When have I felt close to you lately sharing joys as well as concerns?
9When have I nurtured lately? Have I been nurtured? How does that make me feel?
10What important decision do I/We have to make in the near future?
11What are some ways that we have sustained our 24-hour love affair recently?
12What values and traditions do I value in my Family? My spouse's famiy? How can we integrate them into our family?
13How has your openeness enabled me to grow?
14What is Jesus calling us to as sacramment of his love?
15Our opposites are God's plan challenging us to be more, not less. What opposites in our life are challenging me right now?
16How do I feel about Engaged Encounter right now?
17Have I felt really important lately? How do my actions make me feel?
18What unselfish gift of love of yours has brought true joy to another this past week?
19How did I do in our last argument? What rules did I follow? Break? Did I trust?
20Describe how we as a couple have a more meaningful life than we each would have had alone.
21When have you given me life in the past week?
22What decision to belong to others have I made recently? Who and why?
23Do I see myself being truly open to new life at this time? Apart from children in our relationship what does it mean to be open to life?
24How have I been recently an effective sign to others of God's Love?
25What do I personally have to offer my family? Church? My community?
26Is a decision to love just a decision to put aside some disillusionment?
27What method can I best use to create unity with you? With God?
28How do I feel when I have to make a decision that should be made mutually?
29What issues concerning our family do we have yet to resolve?
30Describe a recent occation when your spouse has been lifegiving to you. How does that make me feel?
31What have I done that needs forgiveness this month?

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